Archive for June 1st, 2011

Buyer Beware

I just read an interesting article on meth-contaminated homes.  Did you know that home sellers in Florida do not have to disclose meth use or manufacture when they are listing a house?  Evironmental hazards such as lead-based paint, radon, mold, and chinese drywall must be disclosed, but there is no specific wording pertaining to meth.  Vapors and chemical from use or manufacture can seep into walls, curtains,  and carpet and can be extremely dangerous.  Individuals who are immune-compromised or have breathing problems are especially suseptible.  Welcome home!  Here is a cough, a wheeze, and an asthma attack! 

If you’re buying a foreclosure, you are probably not going to get a seller disclosure therefore it is better to be safe than sorry.  Ask your realtor about the disclosure, contact the bank if you’re buying a foreclosure, and always get an inspection.  Ask the inspector what he/she tests for and a referral for an OSHA-approved inspector if they are unable to help.

Want to know more about buying a home that is safe for your family? Email us at     

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